Sunday, 12 June 2016



I have decided to call my magazine ‘Thanet Today’, based in the area of Thanet. My target audience will be males and females aged 18-50 of varying social class. They will be interested in happenings around Thanet, especially around the month of this edition (December), as well as local news, entertainment, home decorating etc. My magazine will be monthly and it will cost £3.50 due to my target audience being adults only so they will be likely to have a stable income in order to pay for the magazine. My magazine will include bold colours and lots of visuals in order to appeal to my target audience and draw them into the magazine… They will recognise these common codes and conventions of regional magazines. The language that I will use within the magazine will be sophisticated and easily followed in order to suit my more mature target audience…again to hopefully appeal the readers.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Focus group

Since having spoken with my focus group about ideas put forward, I have decided to create my magazine as a December edition, which will include Christmas orientated content and happenings around this Month in Thanet. 92% of my focus group liked the idea of a Christmas edition. I have now decided not to revolve my magazine around home design and have changed my target audience to both males and females around the ages of 18-50. I have also chosen to charge £3.50 for my magazine as I feel this abides with the typical codes and conventions of regional magazines.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Planning Ancillary Task 2

For research into the billboard advertising, I emailed the following regional magazines: Time Out London, Kent Life and Dorset. The email read:


I am a year 13 Media Studies student, and I am currently studying regional magazines. I was wondering, has your magazine ever been advertised by using billboard adverts? If yes, could you please send me an image of the advert used

Many Thanks,

 I did not receive replies from either magazine as of yet. This backed up what I already understood - that regional magazines don’t tend to advertise by using billboards. I attempted to find some examples, but there was none of which I could find. This has lead me to research and analyse general billboard adverts I could find, rather than regional magazine billboard adverts.